We leave empty slots each day to accommodate any urgency you might have. If something just came up and you need to see us today, call to schedule a SAME DAY appointment.
Same Day appointments are the best use of your time. If you can schedule an appointment, then you can plan the rest of your day’s errands around it. This is better than walk in appointments, where you might have to wait longer until a provider can see you in between his scheduled appointments.
Same Day Appointments are great to accommodate you for:
- Urinary tract infections
- Cough/colds
- Bronchitis
- Sinus infection
- Stomach flu
- Food poisoning
- Strep throat or tonsillitis
- Pink eye
- Allergic reactions
- Asthma flares
- Need a note for work
- School sports physical
- Release to return to work
- Medication refills